Marstall Beer Hall
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Behind the kitschy heart-shaped facade, you will find a rather quiet tent, which is especially popular with opulent glitter dirndls.
In 2014, the establishment of the Marstall buried the 111-year-old Hippodrome after its host lost his license due to tax evasion. As its name suggests, the Marstall is mostly designed after its predecessor. It even cites the extraordinary art nouveau façade from 1985. However, its colors and heart-shaped windows leave a rather kitschy impression. The inside of the tent resembles Nordic, clear and plain design featuring less decoration elements than the other, more baroque tents. The menu is rather expensive and offers a number of very unusual dishes like prawns instead of traditional ones.
In search of a new identity for the not so busy afternoon, the Marstall is again changing the afternoon band in 2019. This year, Die Oberbayern will again play before the Münchner Zwietracht, one of the many relicts from Hippodrom times, hits the stage at 18:30pm. Targeting an older, well-situated crowd, the atmosphere very calm before 9 p.m., when the tent gets transformed into a discotheque. Although almost never overcrowded, the tent is mostly closed during the evenings in order to enable bouncers to reject undesired guests. If you want to get in there, refrain from wearing costumes or funny hats.